Triphala Churna 120gm Pack Of 4

Triphala Churna 120gm Pack Of 4

: In stock


Rs. 340

Inclusive of all taxes

⦁ Features
⦁ analgesic
⦁ antibacterial
⦁ anti-arthritic
⦁ hypoglycemic
⦁ antiaging
⦁ antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties





Triphala is a combination of three fruits or herbs “Haritaki, Bibhitaki and Amalaki”. In Ayurveda, it is known as Tridoshic Rasayana i.e., a therapeutic agent that balances all three doshas - Kapha, Vata and Pitta.
It is a rich source of antioxidants such as vitamin C which helps in building immunity. Taking Triphala supplements on an empty stomach before bed can be beneficial for internal cleansing due to its detoxifying property. Triphala churna also helps in weight loss as it shows significant reduction in energy intake and body fat. It’s consumption also provides protection from certain heart diseases due to its antioxidant property. Triphala powder when taken with milk or intake of Triphala capsules also provides relief from constipation due to its laxative property.
A paste of Triphala and coconut oil can be applied on the face to improve the skin texture and enhance skin elasticity due to its anti-aging property. Triphala is also considered good for the eyes due to its antioxidant activity which helps improve eye health. Triphala helps to control hair fall and promotes hair growth when applied on the scalp due to the presence of vitamin C.
Triphala is safe for all skin types but if you have dry skin, it is advisable to use Triphala with coconut oil. Excessive intake of Triphala might cause diarrhea[1-5][7][8].


What is the source of Triphala?

Plant Based
1. Constipation
Triphala is the most common Ayurvedic formulation that is used to get relief from constipation. Constipation is caused due to an aggravated Vata dosha. This can be due to frequent consumption of junk food, excess intake of coffee or tea, sleeping late at night, stress and depression. All these factors aggravate Vata in the large intestine and cause constipation. Taking Triphala helps to relieve constipation because of its Rechana (mild laxative) and Vata balancing properties.
a. Take ½- 2 teaspoons of Triphala Powder.
b. Swallow it with lukewarm water preferably at the bedtime to get rid of constipation.

2. Weak immunity
Triphala is widely used for increasing immunity to fight day to day health issues. This is due to its Rasayana (rejuvenating) property.
a. Take ½ - 2 teaspoons of Triphala Powder with honey in the morning after taking light food.
b. Repeat this daily to boost your immunity.

3. Liver problems
Triphala helps to correct liver problems. According to Ayurveda, liver has a close relationship with Agni (digestive fire) and Pitta dosha. Any imbalance in Agni and Pitta dosha leads to liver impairment. Regular intake of Triphala helps to balance Agni and Pitta due to its Tridosha (Vata-Pitta-Kapha) balancing property. It keeps liver healthy and strong because of its Rasayana (rejuvenating) nature.
a. Take 2-3 teaspoons of Triphala juice.
b. Add the same quantity of water.
c. Drink it before taking food once or twice a day.

4. Obesity
Triphala is one of the safest Ayurvedic formulations to reduce weight. An increase in weight is due to unhealthy food habits and lifestyle which leads to a weak digestive fire. This increases accumulation of Ama causing an imbalance in meda dhatu, and resulting in obesity. Taking Triphala helps to remove Ama due to its Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestive) properties. It also corrects the imbalance of meda dhatu. Triphala also removes waste material from the intestine due to its Rechana (mild laxative) property.
a. Take ½- 2 teaspoons of Triphala Powder.
b. Swallow it with lukewarm water preferably at the bedtime to control obesity.

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