Thermoseal Proxa WS Interdental Brushes 5 Count Pack Of 5
10 %

It is made up of improved plastic-coated wire which ensure smooth inward and outward movement and better cleaning of interdental spaces. And has a rubber grip handle to avoid accidental slipping.
Always use Thermoseal Proxa WS Interdental Brush as advised by your doctor. Insert Thermoseal Proxa WS Interdental Brush carefully between your teeth, you should not force it into small openings. Start from the back of your mouth and outside row of teeth. Use repeated in and out motions in each interdental space. Do not use twisting motion. Repeat procedure from the inner row of teeth, wherever the space permit. Rinse mouth after use and brush with your regular toothbrush. Wash your Thermoseal Proxa Interdental Brush after use and change it every week.