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antibacterial properties are the highest compared to any other honey type. Along
Linden Honey
FLONEY® Hungarian Linden Honey is derived from the nectar of Hungary’s Linden or Lime Blossom tree flowers. Historically considered to be ‘The Tree of Life’, the honey from the tree’s flowers lives up to its’ name in today’s world because of its’ varied health benefits.
The light yellow colored FLONEY® Hungarian Linden Honey, with its fluid consistency, is brimming with nutrients. The honey has a fresh and crisp woody aroma, with hints of mint, balsamic and camphor.
Health benefits: The honey’s antibacterial properties are the highest when compared to any other type of honey boosting body’s immunity levels, promoting cardiovascular health and safeguarding against respiratory infections. It is a rich source of Vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, E, H, PP, and C), Minerals (Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus, and Zinc), Antioxidants (polyphenols, flavonoids, tannins), and amino acids. Topical application of the Hungarian Linden Honey helps in healing skin problems like eczema, burns and rashes along with helping rejuvenate the skin giving it a healthy afterglow.
Enjoying this honey: This gluten-free honey is packaged in its raw form allowing you to enjoy this honey in its natural, unprocessed form. Hungarian Linden Honey should not be heated as it will strip it off its healing properties. The honey can be used as a sweetener for drinks, smoothies and as a spread on breads, or consumed along with fruits.,